My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

Warning: This was suppose to be a review for Cornerstone, yet somehow I ended up reading all books in practically one sitting. It has thrown me off my usual format so you will have to excuse me.. Actually, scratch that, I'd better not apologise as there is a pretty good chance it will happen again at some stage.. so yeah.. it may be slightly spoilery .
Cornerstone has been on my 'to read' list for at least a couple of years. I came across it as a recommendation based on previously read books and the synopsis sounded original and interesting. It really grabbed me. But then life got in the way, slowly pushing it further down my list and other books got scooted to the top as sequels kept coming out.
Finally, on a Friday I opened it up on my reader as I was sitting in the waiting room preparing to get my wisdom teeth removed. I can not tell you how glad I am that I did. I literally went on a reading binge for the following 4 days and blasted through the entire series (4 in all). Granted I was probably a little high from all the painkillers but I'm fairly sure they didn't impair my judgement to much..
It was simply unique, invigorating, touching and bitter-sweet. The books branch on a range of subjects in any young adults life as well as throw you into a fantastically imaginative world not found anywhere else. Misty Porvincher is most definitely not afraid of letting her readers stretch their imagination and take a bit of risk. It is not chewed out or easy to swallow but certainly refreshing in the current YA genre to have a writer not be afraid to go beyond the line. Though it is not all seriousness and crazy stuff.. it also shows a light and comical side..
What kind of shift? Like California's finally going to fall in the ocean-that kind of shift? Or do you mean something like a meteor or nuclear bomb? What kind of altercation are you talking about?
The story follows Nalena who has had a rough time of it living with a hoarding mother. Circumstances throw her in a life she had never suspected and in this life she also meets our boy Garret.
These two make a fantastic pair, not gaggingly sweet but a real genuine and interesting connection. Okay, so perhaps some might find it too sweet but at least the dude is not as creepy as Edward *watches shiftily for angry fangirls*
And speaking of Garret, I think I may have a little bit of a crush...
He's teasing, but it is obvious that I'm doing it all wrong. I don't know how to peel a stupid potato. Suddenly, I can't force a smile out on my lips. I'm tired of being the person who knows nothing. but Garrett, hardly missing a beat, slips his knife out of my hand and murmurs to me, "Here ya go, Old School, step aside and let me show you how the pros do it."
For any Significance fans, this series captures exactly what was lacking for me from those Books. Whilst both stories are magnificent, I find that Cornerstone manages to score that little bit extra on the stakes scale and really go for it.
I let myself think, I hope he loves me, and then I wonder if I've said it out loud. I try hard to remember if I'd formed the words with my lips. No. I didn't. I'm sure I didn't. I'm convinced of it, until he murmurs back, "Don't worry. He does."
The rest of the characters are awesome too.. Each one brought something to the table and I especially appreciated the Addo. But do not let them fool you. They all have some wicked personalities.
"Shoelaces." Mark says. We all turn and look at him but no one says a word. He shrugs and looks down at his sneakers. "What? When they're tied, I'm at peace."
I am a little pedantic when it comes to happy endings.... To the point where I occasionally do my research and try to not jump into a series when I know the ending will not meet my (slightly biased) expectation . This is something I did not do with these books and that is probably a good thing. We go through some major cliffhangers throughout which drove me to immediately read the next and the next and then eventually the actual ending left me feeling a little startled and hollow.. Don't misunderstand me, it is not a bad ending (cant spoil this now can we). It does however still leave me with questions and a desire to read on... NOooooooo
I would recommend this to anyone that is into adventure and love. Probably suited the the slightly older YA audience. It will most definitely remain a series I will remember and I truly hope the author manages to write some type of spin off as I just want more....
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