My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ahhh I simply adore the Inkeeper Chronicles, you guys have no idea how happy I was when it got announced there will be more books to come!

We pick up a little while after Clean Sweep ended. Dina is in a bit of a slum. Sean Evans has left for the wider universe after one awesome kiss, making good on the favor he still owed. Neither is she any closer to finding out what happened to her parents or how she can get some much needed clientele into Gertrude Hunt. Then out of the blue she is proposed an offer she cant refuse when George knocks on her door in hopes of finding a place to host a peace summit (you will George and his team from the The Edge series which is funnily enough the first Ilona Andrews series I read and got me hooked on their work).
George met me at the foot of the stairs.
"What are you planning?" I asked as we turned towards the grand ballroom.
"Just a small demonstration for the public good," he said. "I'm so sorry."
" You're apologizing in advance."
" Yes."
Never a good sign.
The catch to this summit? All 3 parties are locked into one of the most gruesome wars of the decade and the peace talks will be highly precarious at best and a bloody massacre at worst. Of course she takes on the challenge and from there on we come across our other lovable parties such as Arland who is part of the summit, as well as Nuan Cee and of course Caldenia is in on the part too (her character has always intrigued me).

Caldenia smiled. "A Quillonian chef, my dear you shouldn't have. Well you should have months ago, but one mustn't be petty. Finally. I shall be dining in a style to which I am suited. Fantastic. Does he have moral scruples I am reasonably sure this summit will result in at least one murder, and I have never tasted an otrokar.
From one challenge into another we are following the summit and Dina who is trying to cope with nosey police, porcupines with melodramatic tendencies and the 3 parties out to murder one another. Then another bomb gets dropped and all of a sudden it is not just the safety of her guests and Gertrude hunt she needs to worry about, but the outcome of this peace summit which now holds the key to more then just her inn's rating.
I got my boots out of the closet, put them on, and buckled a belt with a knife on it around my waist under my robe. Baha-char was the place where you went to find things. Sometimes things found you instead and tried to take your money.
For any Ilona Andrews lovers, this can series can not be missed! But be aware that similar to Clean Sweep (or perhaps even more so) Sweep in Peace is a Fantasy/Scifi read. There may be a sniff of romance, if perhaps you have an amazing sense of smell like a certain alpha strain werewolf. But who am I kidding. You should most likely just chuck the notion of hot steamy romance in the f*ck it bucket. In all honesty I didn't miss it one bit though. The imaginative predicaments Dina (our clever Inkeeper) gets into are more then satisfying. Before you know it, you are through and wondering what the hell happened to life during the outage. Wormholes, I tell you!
Well what more is there to say about this? THE PICTURES! Ohh Yes, I shall admit it... This is probably my fave picture book (and I read those quite a bit as I have 3 children). Okay, so it does not have pictures every page (or every chapter for that matter) but trust me, if it did it would still not take away from the imagination of the story They are absolutely awesome and give the story that little bit extra.
Would I recommend it?
Funnily enough this is one of those series I keep recommending to anyone regardless of what genre they are into, and this sequel hit the nail on it's head. If you have not read it yet, you are missing out!
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