My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The Pledge is an interesting combination of a YA Romance and Fantasy. I have seen a few references to a Dystopian theme fly by and even though there are some minor hints throughout the book, that it is a modern civilization thrown back into another era, I feel that people who are expecting a Dystopian will be left wanting more from this book.
It is written in alternate POV's and we mainly follow Charlie who is 17 and lives in a 'kingdom' segregated on language. In this world the language you speak dictates the social status of your family; and her family falls somewhat in the middle class.

When Charlie very nearly gets herself in a precarious situation, she attracts the attention of Max who from that moment on tries to find a way to get closer to her.
At about the half way mark it gets more interesting. Action starts to build up and we find out a little more about what is at stake and where loyalties lie.
The connection between Charlie and Max is there. However I found it lacking a little in the depth department. Even though Charlie initially keeps her head about her and does not immediately stroll to the altar, there is no real clarification as to why Max has such a sudden infatuation with her. Charlie questions his motives on this at the end, but there is no real answer provided.

I'm hoping that their relationship gets delved into a little deeper in the next installment. However, I have the feeling that this will take a back seat to another story line.
The writing is good and words flow well.
I also would have loved to get to know the characters a bit better. The POV switching was only done a few times and should either have been left out completely or done more extensively.
There is no cliff-hanger ending as such and things get tied up relatively nicely, if a little rushed. It leaves me curious as to where the author is taking this story next. I have a feeling that our evil queen is not gone for good...

Would I recommend it?
Yes, it is a quick read and it is entertaining. I would recommend it toward the younger YA readers especially.
Quotes that grabbed me
~ "We don't want that, Charlie. We don't want to fight, but we can't just go on like this. We deserve to choose what we want to be, who we want to be."
~ "His eyes warmed, even as his brows drew together. "So are you saying we have your cooperation? That you'll agree to be our queen?" "I'm saying that you're guaranteed not to have my cooperation if you don't help me."
~ It was tentative at first, just the slightest encounter of our lips as they brushed ever so lightly together. A feathers touch... lighter even. My thready pulse spoke its own recognizable language.
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